About Me
My personal life is intrinsically woven into my professional life and the activities of a practising clinical negligence KC. Whilst not shunning the social media, my inputs have been conservative and designed to exchange ideas and news which might be of value to my friends and professional colleagues.
Music is an important part of my life. I love playing the piano and it also provides for me the necessary break during intense periods of case preparation. I should say, however, that I prefer to listen to the better performances of others.
Reading both medicine and law is a necessary and time consuming part of a medical negligence KC’s life. Nevertheless, when time permits, reading for pleasure is a delight provided the prose is cultured and the subject interesting.
With a home on the river Tavy on the western edge of Dartmoor, I encourage our visiting legal teams and experts to participate in the local outdoor life. Keeping the mind alert through exercise and discussions about the angles in a case whilst walking is invaluable. The boot is on the other foot when I have a military case: I cannot profess the same level of physical fitness – but exercise is good for the thought processes: “bath time” as it is otherwise known.
Photography is a passion of mine. I am both a Canon and a Leica enthusiast. They have the world’s best photographic lenses. B&W portraits are a particular interest.
Lincoln’s Inn is a fundamental part of my life. Covid-19 has disrupted many activities, but I have continued teaching in advocacy and ethics by Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Indeed, we all need to improve and adapt our skills in remote advocacy and case organisation and presentation: see “The Virtual Medical Negligence Trial”. I am now returning to face to face involvement in the educational activities of collegiate life. The camaraderie of the Bar provides an environment in which we can enjoy the stimulus of learning from each other. I do all I can to encourage diversity and to support those who aspire to practise in my profession.
I have a great interest in wine and in September 2012, I was intronised vigneron d’honneur by la Jurade de Saint-Emilion which ensures regular visits to the Bordeaux region.
I have two children, both of whom are married. My son Andrew and his wife Cassandra have a daughter (Abigail) and my daughter Julia and her husband John have given me a grandson (Robert).
Last but not least I am fortunate to have a wife who not only tolerates my interests but becomes involved with them. We share interests – even to the extent of Pamela also qualifying as a helicopter pilot. Her qualities of patience, care and tolerance support me when I am most under pressure.